Tag Archives: Hannah Montana

Glamour Shots sues Disney over Hannah Montana candy

Glamour Shots is throwin’ DOWN!

The candy is packaged in a picture frame with a photo of Hannah Montana, the Disney character played by actress Miley Cyrus.

Glamour Shots complained that consumers are likely to think there is an association between itself and the candy product.

“If the quality of a Hannah Montana image of the candy is substandard,” Glamour Shots says it would be harmed.

In addition to Disney, Glamour Shots sued Imaginings 3 Inc. of Miles, Ill. Imaginings is a Disney licensee that makes Hannah Montana and Disney Princess candies, and its own products, such as a boxed gummy candy called Box of Boogers.

Screw Annie Leibovitz! Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus should be using Glamour Shots for all her photos from now on! The Glam Squad would never have made her take a pic with that bed sheet. They would have totally classed it up and gave her something with sequins. And used lots of Aqua Net.

Check out the full story *HERE*

Girls gone wild: Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana

Speaking of hot tranny messes… here’s Miley Cyrus and Mandy Jiroux doing a home video special. The boys at Disney are probably emailing her right now to delete this mess. No Hannah Montana — NO!